How to use REM for Responsive Development

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What is REM and Why is it Important

In this chapter we’ll be showing you why REM is important and why it’s considered a better approach to use REM from a root-level architectural perspective, than it is for responsive development.

First off, let’s create some definitions. You can find a full description of units by W3, but to abbreviate:

“Rem” is short for ‘root-em’ and it’s units dictate an element’s font size relative (this is important!) to the size of the root element.
“Em” unit is simply the font-size.

So to start out, in our application we need to set our font-size at the root level to 16px.

html {
   /* If we change this using a responsive REM approach, it will modify the starting sizes of all implementations that use rem in our application */
   font-size: 16px;

This sets the root level font-size to 16px; which directly affects everything that uses REM.  So for instance, in our application if we set the following scss we would get the following results.

ion-button {
   font-size: 1rem; // This is equal to 16px when it starts, i.e. 1x of root's font-size
ion-card-title {
   font-size: 1.2em; // This is equal to 19.2px when it starts, i.e. 1.2x of root's font-size

Most importantly, this allows us to scale our application not only based upon the scale of a window, but also the scale of that user’s font preference.  More on this later! 

Now that we have our font-size responding directly to the root element; it’s time to adjust some of our padding and margins respectively.  One mistake we see often is this:

ion-button {
   font-size: 1rem; // This is equal to 16px when it starts, i.e. 1x of root's font-size
   padding: 30px; // this is hard coded - might look good when font is 16px, but it would be overkill if the font was 10px, and underkill if it was 40px;

In this case, the padding would be insanely huge if the font-size decreases, and may break the responsiveness and formatting if it increases if there’s not enough space.  So instead, we can turn this into a ratio of padding to font-size.

ion-button {
   font-size: 1rem;
   padding: 1.5rem; // In this example, the *ratio* of font to padding always stays the same

So you can see, using this approach can keep the ratio of our designs aligned which is great!  However, you may be saying to yourself OK the ratio stays the same – but the font-size doesn’t change to the device so how is this responsive?

Great question 🙂  Let’s cover that in our next chapter!

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